Mar 10, 2011

Geneva bashing

The only cultural legacy of centuries of stability [is] the cuckoo clock... Many exiles find [it] oppressive and miss London's variety. Some are bored... Problems that elsewhere might be solved by money are less tractable [as] the merely well-off are outgunned by the super-rich... Housing is pricey even compared with the posher parts of London... Flats for rent in the city centre are scarce. Expense is not the only problem. Leases often require newcomers to be vouched for by other tenants. Food and clothes are costly.... Petty rules are rigidly enforced outside work. Red tape is rife. Boredom [...] seems to hurt most. The snootiness and sameness [...] is dispiriting. Geneva is deserted in the evenings and at weekends. Shops and restaurants are closed on Sundays.
This is The Economist not mincing his words while bahsing Geneva in its article on bored and homesick London traders living in Geneva. All so true...

1 comment:

Sebastian said...

The cuckoo clock was invented in Germany and is only sold to ignorant tourists who do not even bother figuring this out...even if it takes only a second. Surprised the eoncomist is so sloppy...